About the PTA…

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What Is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?

The PTA is a national nonprofit organization that has dedicated itself to advancing the well-being of children and families. To find out more about the Oregon & National PTA organization and structure you can visit the Oregon PTA website.

What Does the PTA Look Like at Jason Lee?

The Leopards PTA at Jason Lee Elementary School brings our community together with popcorn fridays, movie nights, and our end of the year carnival. Our PTA thrives on the dedication of our families, friends, community partners & staff who generously volunteer their time to ensure we can continue to support our students and school community. Each year the PTA sponsors fun events that promote community building and encourage participation. The PTA’s fundraising helps support teachers and staff by providing field trip contributions, annual classroom funds, playground & recess equipment and more! Throughout the year we are helping to support day-to-day school life by organizing volunteers and assisting with tasks as needed. No matter what the event, we strive to ensure that we keep the best interest of the students and school in mind. We practice the three key rules of being Safe, Respectful & Responsible and keep the focus on fun, with a little bit of PTA “business” thrown in here and there. Our Leopards PTA is looking forward to another successful school year, collaborating with teachers, administration and YOU to enhance our children’s educational experience. Click HERE to sign up and join us TODAY!

Leopards PTA Officers

President: Vacant - Elections to be held at May 14th Meeting

Vice-President: Laura Campbell

Treasurer: Candace Bennett

Co-Secretaries: Meghann Kabza & Kether Hayden

General Inquiries: jasonleeelementary@gmail.com

Treasurer Inquiries: Leopardsptatreas@gmail.com

Text/Phone: (503) 949-2353

A PTA is only as successful as we make it. That’s why we need YOU! Being involved in the PTA is very flexible. There are a variety of things to do and ways to be involved, from a little to a lot.

Annual dues are just $10 per person + $2.50 online processing fee charged by the Oregon PTA. For those needing assistance, the fees are fully reimbursable by the PTA upon request.

Join our PTA today and start helping make a difference in our school community.